The following reports are available in the Institutional Research office (M-257) and on the network J drive under “IR Reports.”
The Transfer Mission: Recent Data
(October 2007). Reports information about student transfer goals, transfer rates, transfer destinations, performance at transfer colleges, and baccalaureate attainment. Three-fifths of the college’s students have transfer as their primary goal; half transfer within four years of entry to Carroll.
Annual Marketing Communications Report, FY2007
(April 2008). Comprehensive analysis of marketing communications activities and expenditures during fiscal year 2007. Includes information about college publications, advertising, direct mail, outreach, website, media relations, and market research. A total of $597,695 was expended in support of 13 distinct marketing campaigns, 339 publications, and general awareness/branding.
Student Satisfaction Survey Findings,
Spring 2000-Spring 2007
(April 2008). Findings from a survey of credit students in spring 2007 are analyzed and compared to four prior surveys. Student ratings of 40 aspects of the college were consistently high and increasing. Library services, building maintenance, Admissions, Blackboard, and the college website were top rated by students in 2007.
Continuing Education and Training Student Satisfaction Survey Findings
(May 2008). Reports views of 321 continuing education students surveyed during fall 2007. All 30 items rated on a five-point scale had mean ratings of 3.0 or above, with 24 having means of 4.0 and above. Quality of instruction had notably high ratings. Respondents requested more art and photography courses.
Carroll County High School Market Analysis
(June 2008). Reviews college enrollment patterns from the County high schools and presents projections of high school enrollments. A fourth of the County high school graduates in 2007 enrolled at the college in fall 2007, an all-time high. Enrollment in 12th grade is forecast to decline 15 percent over the next ten years.
Carroll County Adult Learner Market Analysis
(June 2008). Reviews college enrollment patterns of adults age 25 and above and presents County population forecasts to 2017. Residents age 25-39 are projected to increase 43 percent; those age 55-79 are projected to increase 25 percent. In contrast, residents in the 15-24 and 40-54 age groups are expected to decline. Includes descriptors of adult learner characteristics gleaned from the national literature.